martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Belly Dancing With George Abdo

Belly Dancing With George Abdo

1. Lila, My Love
2. Wadeelo Salamy (Bathed in Love)
3. Raks Al Hayet (Dance of Life)
4. Min Feegis (Don't Leave Me)
5. Raks Al-Kheeyam (Dance of the Tents)
6. Ilhak Halak (Beware of Love)
7. Al Asforieh (You're Driving Me Crazy)
8. Shuty Ya Dini (Rains of Spring)
9. Raks Wayak (Together We Dance)
10. Raks Asmar (Dance of the Bedouins)
11. Belly Dance Fantasy

Belly Dance
mp3 vbr
85 mb

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